30 funny pfps

We have collected 40 of the funniest PFPs (profile pictures) from around the internet for you to use!

It can be hard to find the perfect profile picture which is why we collected a range of different ones for you to check out.

We will explain how you can save one of them or multiple if you’d like to your device at the end of the article.

Let’s get right into this!

1. Guy with a shocked expression

shocked guy with big eyes

A guy who looks shocked with his eyes bulging out of his head.

2. Woman with an enlarged smile

women with enlarged smile and mouth

A woman with an enlarged smile.

3. Person looking into a camera

women looking in to doorbell

A person who is looking into a camera lens.

4. Wet cat in a bath

wet cat in the bath

A cat who is looking unhappy and wet sitting in a bath.

5. A farm animal with a big head

weird looking animal

A farm animal with a big head.

6. Spongebob with long hair and glasses

sponge bob with long hair and sun glasses

A picture of Spongebob with long blonde hair with sun glasses.

7. Shrek with sunglasses

shreck with sunglasses

A picture of Shrek wearing sunglasses making a gang sign with his hands.

8. Girl taking a selfie at night


A girl taking a selfie at night with a bright light.

9. Sausage cheem

sausage cheem dog

A picture of Cheem, which is a type of dog, morphed in to a sausage.

10. Racoon carrying a cat

racoon carrying cat

A picture of a racoon carrying a cat inside.

11. Giant toe

one giant toe on foot

A picture of a foot which morphs into a toe.

12. Close up selfie

nose up to camera

A cartoon character taking a selfie close up.

13. Smiling nut

mouth on nut

A picture of a nut with a smiling mouth on it.

14. Man’s face morphed onto a little girl

man face morph

A picture of a little girl with a man’s face morphed onto her face.

15. Justin Bieber with upside down hair

justin bieber with upside down hair

A picture of Justin Bieber but his hair has been edited onto his chin.

16. Man’s face morphed onto a dog

human face on dog head

A picture of a dog, but a man’s face has been morphed onto its head.

17. Guy smiling with an enlarged mouth

guy with enlarged mouth

A picture of a guy smiling, but his smile has been enlarged.

18. Man with a wrinkled face

guy with big wrinkles

A picture of a man with an extremely wrinkled face.

19. Man with big front teeth

guy with big teeth side view

A picture from the side of man with big front teeth.

20. Man with big teeth making a peace sign

guy with big teeth doing peace sign

A man with big front teeth making a peace sign with his fingers.

21. Fat cat lying down wearing underwear

fat cat lying down

A picture of a fat cat lying on the floor wearing underwear.

22. Man’s face morphed onto a cartoon girl

face morph on to girl

A picture of a cartoon character with a man’s face morphered on her’s.

23. Deranged Shrek

deranged shrek

A picture of Shrek looking deranged.

24. Angry cat

deranged cat

A cat looking angry with enlarged eyes and ears.

25. Creature sitting down

creature with crooked face

A picture of a fat creature sitting down.

26. Fat cat from behind

cat lying down from behind

A picture from behind a fat cat.

27. Blob fish

blob fish

A picture of a blob fish.

28. Bald cat

bald cat

A cat with no hair on the of its head.

29. Baby with big eyes

baby with big eyes

A picture of a cartoon baby with big eyes.

30. Face swap with a baby and old man

baby face swap with old man

A picture where a baby’s face and an old man’s face have been swapped.

How to save a profile picture and use it

There are a couple of different which you can save one of the profile pictures to your device.

The first way is by taking a screen shot of the picture and cropping it.

Then, you upload your profile picture to whatever platform you would like, whether that be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or another one.

The second way to get to your profile picture is by just saving it to your phone.

If you are using a mobile device, you can hold your finger on the image and tap on “Save”.

Alternatively, if you are using a computer, you can right click on the picture and click on “Save image”.

Now, you can upload the profile picture to whatever platform you want it for.

Final words

We hope you found a profile picture you would like to use in this article!

You may find our other article on 40 PFPs for TikTok useful as well!

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