do iphones ring when dead

Do you want to know if iPhones will ring if they have a dead battery? If so, we will explain the answer in this article, and provide you with some extra useful information as well.

You may have a dead iPhone yourself, and want to know if it will ring while it has no battery.

Alternatively, you may be trying to ring someone who you suspect has a dead iPhone, but you want to check if their phone will still ring.

Let’s get right into this!

Do iPhones ring when dead?

When an iPhone is dead, it will not ring. If you try and ring a dead iPhone, it will not ring. As soon as you connect to your network, the voicemail will immediately start ringing. But, if the person you are trying to ring has other Apple devices, you could try and FaceTime them and contact them that way.

Now, we will explain this in a little more depth.

So, if an iPhone is turned off, or has run out of battery, which means it’s dead, then this means it has no power to operate.

Therefore, the iPhone will not ring if it gets called by someone. Regardless of if it’s a traditional phone call, a FaceTime, or any VOIP call (voice over internet protocol).

If a dead iPhone is called over the traditional phone network, it will take a moment for the caller to connect to the network, and then it may ring for a moment, or it won’t ring at all.

Then, the caller will immediately hear the voicemail message. The caller could leave a message if they would like.

When the iPhone is no longer dead and has been charged, it will send a notification saying a call was missed.

How can you tell if someone’s iPhone is dead?

You can tell if someone’s iPhone is dead, or turned off by ringing them using their phone number.

It’s important that you ring traditionally over the phone network, and not FaceTime them.

If their iPhone is not dead and it has charge and service, then when you ring them, you will hear the dialing tone and after that, you will hear the calling sound.

After a while, it will go to voicemail.

However, if the iPhone is dead, when you ring the number, you will hear the dialing tone, then after the phone has connected to the network, it will immediately go to voicemail.

How to contact someone when their iPhone is dead

Now that you know that someone’s iPhone is dead, you may still need to contact them.

So, here are a few different ways you can contact someone with a dead iPhone.

1. FaceTime them

You may think that there is no point in FaceTiming them because they have a dead iPhone.

But, a lot of people have multiple Apple devices, so when you FaceTime them, all of their devices will ring.

facetime app on phone screen

For example, they may have an iPad or a Mac which will ring if you call them using FaceTime.

However, this will mean that the person you are trying to call has configured FaceTime on their other Apple devices.

Also, we understand that not everyone will have other Apple devices, but it’s worth trying!

2. Contact them using social media

It’s worth trying to contact them using social media.

For example, you could try messaging them on Facebook or Discord because they may have Facebook on another device, such as their computer.

You may know another social media they commonly use which is best to contact them on.

Then, you can ring them using a social media platform, or you can just tell them to charge their phone and ring you.

3. Call their landline home phone

A third way to contact someone with a dead iPhone is by calling their landline home phone.

Landline phones are becoming a lot less popular, but they still are often used.

According to SimpleTexting, a landline is just a regular phone number that relies on physical wires to enable voice calls.

However, the issue you may run into is that you don’t know the person’s landline number.

But, if you do have their number, it’s definitely worth trying!

4. Contact someone else close to them

A fourth way of contacting someone with a dead iPhone is by contacting someone they live with or that you know is close to them.

You could contact one of their siblings or a flatmate if they are at home.

Alternatively, you could contact a colleague or a classmate as well.

Also, you don’t need to call someone that you don’t know very well.

You could always just send them a message on Instagram or another social media platform if you don’t know their number and ask them to tell the person you are trying to contact to charge their phone and get in contact with you.

5. Find them in person

If it’s important that you get in contact with them quickly, it may be best to go to their house, or where ever they are.

This will not work for everyone because you may live far away from them, or you may not know where they even are.

But, if you live locally and need to get hold of them quickly, it’s a great option.

6. Wait for them to charge their iPhone

This option may not be ideal, but you could just wait for them to charge their iPhone so it’s no longer dead.

You will need to keep trying to call them until you hear the calling tone or sound.

Usually, people charge their phone quite quickly if it’s dead, so hopefully, you won’t have to wait too long if you decide to wait.

Final words

We hope you found this useful.

Rob’s social media: LinkedinTwitterInstagram.

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