find someones instagram from hinge

Do you want to find someone from Hinge on Instagram? Well, we’ve got you covered.

You may have matched with someone on Hinge and you would like to see some more pictures of them on Instagram.

We will explain a few different methods you can use.

Let’s get right into this!

Method 1: Check if they have linked their Instagram account

The first way you can find a Hinge user’s Instagram posts is if they have linked their account.

So, if you have come across their profile, or matched with them and you want to view their Instagram posts, you need to scroll to the bottom of their Hinge profile.

If they have connected Instagram to Hinge, you will be able to see all of their Instagram posts. If they have more than 9 posts, you can swipe across to view another page of their pictures.

hinge user instagram section at the bottom of page

Connecting Instagram to Hinge is a great way for potential matches to see more of you and what you like doing, helping a potential match decide if they want to send you a like.

But, not everyone has linked their Instagram and Hinge, so you may need to try another method.

Method 2: Reverse search their pictures on Google

If a Hinge user hasn’t connected their Instagram to their profile, then you could try reverse searching their Hinge pictures on Google.

Reverse searching is where you can search for a picture and Google will find the same, or similar pictures.

So, if the user has posted the same picture they used on Hinge on Instagram and their account is public, Google may have indexed the image, so it’s worth trying this!

We have a guide on how many reports it will take to get banned from Instagram which you may find interesting!

How to reverse search Hinge pictures

Firstly, you need to screenshot a picture or multiple pictures that you would like to search for.

Secondly, you need to crop them. Usually, you can crop them just after or before you take the screenshot.

Now, you need to go to Google Images, or another website that allows you to reverse search images, like TinEye.

You may need to download the Google app to reverse search images if you’re using an iOS device.

So, you either need to go to Google Images or Google and check to see if there is a camera icon in the search bar. If there isn’t one on either of them, try the website we linked to earlier.

If you’re using Google, or Google Images, you need to tap on the camera button in the search bar.

camera button on google for google lens

This will open Google Lens. You will need to allow Google to access your photo library so you can find the image you want to search for, in this case, the Hinge image.

Once you have selected an image, you need to select what you want to do with it. Tap on the Search option.

search for images and visual matches results

Then, you can view any visual matches that Google finds. Hopefully, it will find the same picture on Instagram because a lot of people use their Instagram pictures on Hinge.

You can repeat this for their other images on Hinge as well.

If you find the Hinge users on Instagram, you can then look at their other pictures!

Method 3: See if any of your friends know who they are

Another way to find a Hinge user on Instagram is by asking your own friends to see if they know who the user is, and if they know their Instagram username.

There’s a chance a friend of yours may know who the Hinge user is because they’re likely to live in your area, but it will depend on the distance of the user.

So, if the user is from your area, you could ask your friends, but specifically, your friends who are the same gender, because they’re more likely to know them.

You may think it’s awkward, but you could always take a screenshot and crop the image and just say “my friend is wondering who this person is?” or something along the lines of that.

Even if you just find out the Hinge user’s full name, this may help with finding their Instagram profile.

Method 4: Ask the Hinge user what their Instagram is

Another method is to just ask the Hinge user what their Instagram is.

You may think that it’s awkward, but in reality, it’s a compliment.

A good way to ask what someone’s Instagram is, is to say that you find it easier to message on Instagram than Hinge.

Then, you don’t come across as just wanting to see more pictures, but because you want to message them.

Alternatively, you could tell them to message you on Instagram and send them your Instagram handle as well.

Final words

We hope you managed to find the Hinge user’s Instagram profile!

Also, we have a guide on how you can change someone’s name on Instagram DMs which you may find useful.

Rob’s social media: 

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