does bumble delete inactive accounts

In this post, we answer the popular question “Does Bumble Delete Inactive Accounts?”.

You may be wondering what will happen to your Bumble when you stop using it, so we will explain exactly what will happen!

If you did not know, Bumble is a popular dating app.

Bumble will not delete your account due to inactivity. When you become inactive for more than 30 days on Bumble and stop using your account , Bumble will stop showing your account to potential matches. However, your account will still remain on the platform but it just becomes unlikely your profile is shown.

Will Bumble Delete An Inactive Account?

Bumble will not delete your account due to inactivity.

We have looked through documentation on Bumble’s site and have not found much discussing what happens when an account is inactive.

What will happen when you haven’t used your account after 30 days, is that Bumble will mark your account as inactive.

This means your profile is unlikely to be shown to users or potential matches. However, your account still remains on the platform.

You can unmark your profile as inactive simply by using the Bumble app and swiping for matches.

But, if you definitely don’t want your Bumble profile shown to potential matches and users on the app, then you should consider logging-in and deleting your account.

Also, if you don’t plan on using Bumble again, it’s not a bad idea to delete your account. You can always create a new profile if you want to use the platform again.

How To Delete Bumble Account

Here are the steps you need to follow if you would like to delete your Bumble account.

1. Go To Your Bumble Profile

Firstly, tap on the profile icon in the bottom row on Bumble.

This will take you to your profile.

bumble profile button

2. Tap On The Cog To Be Taken To Your Bumble Settings

Secondly, you need to tap on the cog in the top right.

bumble settings cog

This will take you to your Bumble settings.

3. Scroll To The Bottom Of The Settings And Tap “Delete account”

Next, you need to scroll right to the bottom of the settings.

The last option will be “Delete account”.

delete account bumble

Tap on “Delete account” and Bumble will give you a list of reasons why you may be deleting your account.

You can tap on “Other” if none of them apply.

Then, you will have to confirm your decision to delete your account by tapping on “Delete account” again.

Finally, you will need to type “delete” in to a text box to confirm your decision for the last time.

You will now be logged out of Bumble.

If you want to use Bumble again, you will need to create a new account.

How Do You Know If Someone Is Inactive On Bumble?

Anyone you match with on Bumble will have been active within the last 30 days because if a user hasn’t been on the platform in 30 days, Bumble will hide their profile so it won’t be seen when you are swiping.

Therefore, you can assume if you have matched with someone they are not inactive as otherwise Bumble wouldn’t have shown them to you as a potential match.

How Long Does Your Account Stay Active On Bumble?

If you stop using the Bumble app and stop swiping for matches. then your account will remain active for 30 days and after that, Bumble will mark your account as inactive.

You can easily unmark your account as inactive just by using the app.

How Do I Know If My Bumble Account Is Active?

You will know your Bumble account is active by making sure you use the app at least once every 30 days.

Also, you will hopefully recieves likes on Bumble as well, which is a sign that your account is active and being shown to other users on the platform.

Does Bumble Only Show Active Accounts?

Bumble will only show active accounts. Active accounts are defined as the user has been on Bumble within the last 30 days. After that time frame, their account is marked as inactive and their profile will not be shown to potential matches.


Now you know that Bumble will not delete inactive accounts.

We also answered some other highly asked questions to do with Bumble users being inactive on the platform and inactive users being shown as potenital matches as well.

We hope you found this useful!

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