translate instagram comments

Do you want to translate Instagram comments? If so, we’ve got you covered.

You may find a comment on an Instagram post in a different language you would like to translate to the language you understand.

We will explain a couple of different methods you can use.

Let’s get right into this!

Translate Instagram comments using the in-built feature

The first way you can translate comments on Instagram is by using Instagram’s in-built feature.

However, this feature may not always work, but it’s worth giving it a go.

1. Find the post with the comment

Firstly, you need to find the post with the comment that you would like to translate.

Tap on the magnifying glass in the bottom navigation bar on Instagram and then you can search for the account with the post on it.

magnifying search button in instagram navigation bar

2. Find the comment on the post

Now, once you have found the post, you need to find the comment you would like to translate.

You will need to tap on “View all comments” in order to view all of the comments and then find the comment you would like to translate.

view all comments button on instagram 1

As you scroll further down, more comments will load.

Keep scrolling until you find the comment.

3. Translate the comment

After you have found the comment you would like to translate, you need to look in the row of options below the comment.

You will see the number of likes the comment has, and a reply button as well.

Then, you will see a button for “See Translation”.

see translation button on instagram comment

Tap on this option, and the comment will be translated into the language your Instagram is set to.

Change the language the comment is translated to

Changing the language the comment is translated into is quite simple. If you are using an Android device, you can change the language in your Instagram settings.

  1. Firstly, tap on your profile picture in the bottom right of Instagram.
  2. Next, you need to tap on the three horizontal lines in the top right of Instagram. This will open a menu. Then, tap on “Settings”.
  3. From the Settings page, you need to tap on “Account”, then tap on “Language”.
  4. Now, you can choose the language you would like Instagram to be in, which will reflect the language comments are translated to.

But, if you are using an iPhone, it’s a little more complicated, but here’s how.

  1. Open your iPhone’s Settings app and scroll down to “General” and tap on it.
  2. Next, scroll down to “Language & Region” and tap on it.
  3. Now, you need to add a second language to your iPhone. So, tap on “Other Languages” and select the language you would like to use on Instagram. After you have tapped on it, Instagram will ask if you would like to change keep using your current language and keep the new one as a secondary language, or start using the language you just selected for your entire device. We recommend keeping your language as it was and adding the new language as a secondary language.
  4. The next thing you need to do is open Instagram and go to your profile.
  5. Then, tap on the three horizontally stacked lines and tap on “Settings” in the menu.
  6. From the “Settings” page, tap on “Account”, then “Language”.
  7. A message will pop up. Read it, then tap on “Continue”.
  8. Your iPhone settings will open and you will be taken straight to the Instagram settings.
  9. Now, you need to tap on “Preferred Language” at the bottom of the page.
  10. You can then select the language you would like Instagram to be in, and what the comment is translated to.

However, if you don’t see the option to translate the comment, then don’t worry, we will explain an alternative method.

Translate comments on Instagram using Google Translate

Alternatively, you can translate comments on Instagram with Google Translate if Instagram’s in-built translation feature isn’t working.

1. Open Instagram

The first thing you need to do is open Instagram.

2. Find the comment you want to translate

Secondly, you need to find the comment you would like to translate.

So, search for the account which has the post on it, and then find the post.

Tap on the magnifying glass in the bottom navigation bar to search for other accounts.

magnifying search button in instagram navigation bar 2

After you have found the post, you will need to tap on “View all comments” in order to find the comment.

view all comments button on instagram 2

3. Copy the comment

Once you have found the comment, you need to remember the spelling

But, don’t worry too much, because you can always look back at the comment again.

4. Type the comment into Google Translate

Now, you need to head over to Google Translate.

Next, you need to type the Instagram comment into the text box.

If you can’t remember how it was spelled, then open up Instagram again and have another look.

You can then select the language you would like it to be translated into and you will be able to understand what the comment says!

Final words

We hope you found this guide useful!

You may find our article on how to know unsent a message on Instagram useful!

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